Understanding Step and Repeat: Fab Photo Chicago’s Approach to Red Carpet Photos

Red Carpet Photography Setup by Fab Photo Chicago for Events

What is a step and repeat?

People in the party and event business refer to a photo background and red carpet as a “step and repeat.” Guests at the entrance to an event step onto the red carpet, do a turn for the camera, step off. Repeat with the next guest. 

Fab Photo has taken the simple red carpet step and repeat photos to the next level.  Every photo of your guest is meticulously lighted and balanced to enhance skin tone.  Every guest is posed to look their most effective. The flash lights the room and moments later party attendees step off the red carpet, collect their print, share their glamorous new photo and enter the party feeling like a celebrity.


Why Does Your Event Need a Step and Repeat Photo Experience?


The Story Behind Fab Photo: How We Became Chicago’s Red Carpet Experts